Growing from a position of strength

With a decline to its earnings looming in the regulated energy business, a regional power company in southern Germany was facing losses well into double-digit millions. The imperative, driving the company, was to find a strategy to compensate these losses, so they brought goetzpartners on board to help.

The company’s board was looking to mount its counter-offensive with interventions in two key areas:  by raising internal efficiency and by capturing new business in the non-regulated sector. This would deliver EBITDA growth in the range of 50% within the next four to five years.

In the search for promising new-business strategies, it became clear that above all widespread geographical presence would provide opportunities to deliver services to businesses and municipalities. An integrated digital solution proved to be a promising new sales approach – goetzpartners provided the expertise, and a marketing platform was established.

The speed at which the utility company got the new services to market can be attributed to the clear focus on feasibility. It made a huge difference that the company – with the help of goetzpartners – was able to change its perspective and design its offering around the individual needs of customers on the open market.



  • Energy


  • Need to compensate for loss of earnings on the regulated energy market
  • Development of a growth strategy


  • Conducted a demand analysis for customers in the non-regulated sector
  • Completed a portfolio analysis of products, experiences and services in the company
  • Identified service packages that would act as a basis for the growth strategy
  • Developed a digital marketing platform


  • Targeted expansion of the portfolio
  • Development of offerings and market rollout
  • Successful change of perspective with a view to the non-regulated market